Now that your baby is born…
Let baby’s umbilical cord dry naturally. Keep plastic diaper linings away from the cord so that it may be aired dry. Nothing needs to be applied to the cord.
When you get up to pee in the first 24 hours, don’t just jump up and run to the bathroom. Sit on the edge of the bed for a few minutes to get stable. It’s normal to have a gush of blood when you sit up as blood will pool in your contracting uterus. Clots are normal, too, and can be quite large (size of an orange).
Keep water and herbal teas beside the bed and drink frequently. Nourishing, salty soups are a good way to replace salts and fluids in your body. Always have a drink beside you while breastfeeding.
Your baby should wet and have a meconium poop diaper at least once in the first 24 hours.
Rest in bed and take care of your baby for the first 3 days. After 3 days just take care of your baby to the end of 1 week. Then you may SLOWLY resume your normal activities. Do not stand for long periods of time. No housework for 2 weeks. If you are bleeding heavier again, stop and rest.
Continue to eat as you were during pregnancy. This means an additional 500 calories per day when you are breastfeeding. Keep taking the pregnancy vitamins. Avoid caffeine (tea, coffee, colas) while breastfeeding. They can cause wakefulness and colic in the baby.
If your nipples are sore (very common) gently rub the breast milk back into the nipple. This will get better and your nipples will toughen up.
If your baby starts to look yellow, feed a little more frequently, burp often and sun your baby in indirect light (through a closed) window with only a diaper on. Make sure that the room is warm.
It’s normal for the baby to breathe erratically (fast, then slow, then stop, then fast again). Newborns turn bright red at times, normal again. Hands and feet feel cool and may be blue-ish, normal, too.
When you resume love-making, go slow, keep in communication with your partner, and use some oil (almond, olive) the first time as a lubricant.
Words from the Wise Woman: Gloria Lemay