Social MEssaging around birth.
Birth has changed incredibly since the conception and evolution of being.
When I think of the current social messaging surrounding birth currently, I see a theme amongst these three words.
This illusion that when we control birth (risk), we reduce fear, give certainty and safety. Somehow this control is given to everyone but the women birthing in most settings, and to bring this into questioning for self, If you also are someone who believes something or someone else can aid in facilitating your birth.
The current state of normalizing surgery and medical interventions. When it becomes no longer necessarily needed but a personal choice, not a physiological birthright anymore.
This is no judgement or criticism for the choices you have chosen to make, but to give you a backdrop of what is normal and accepted in our current birth culture.
The notion women should be comfortable and pain free during childbirth.
It often feels personally that western culture demonizes the giving pain of birth.
“The Seduction of Epidural” – Debra Woods
Not to be confused with when medical intervention is necessary, but the difference of when routinely medically interventions are done for straightforward births.
Sister, if you go into birth, motherhood, with any question of doubt and fear, then the story will play out
Draw into the power/essence of you.
Calling into your psyche
Dancing into you.