Yoni Steaming

Yoni: The sanskrit word of female genitalia, womb and vagina. A sacred place symbolizing divine nature and sacred portal to life.

Steaming is a holistic health, herbal practice which allows the warmth of herbal steam to penetrate the exterior parts of the yoni.

The act of steaming is a popular practice in Central America, India, Eastern Europe, and in Korea.

From menstruation, sexual intercourse, and childbirth, the yoni withstands much.

It can restore the disconnect from the female body, yoni, vagina and uterus whether from birth or unsatisfying intimate experience, trauma, abuse, surgeries or cultural disconnect. The act of self health practice to restore health, balance physical feminine cycles, ease transition through life phases, and unlock your intimate magic of the womb and release toxic emotions such as stress, tension and stagnation.

An act of coming home to the body. An ancient womanly healing art.


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